If there ever was a case, just look at this video of a simulated inning of gameplay between the Anaheim Angels & Oakland Athletics!
This Saturday I will be in Oakland to see my A's take on the Mariners in real life...can't ever beat that experience, but man, the game looks pretty wicked! Oh and free 2011 A's Pet Calendars! Hahaha!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Watch: Bone-crunching action...Seagal style...
Kick-ass video of every bone Steven Seagal has broken in his film career!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Watch: Captain America trailer.....
Here it is, and I must say, I really dig it. I wasn't sure how I felt about a Captain America movie. However, the trailer has me sold, at least for now that this movie has the potential to be really entertaining! Check it out...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Watch: One way to handle the RROD!
Ahh, Xbox....the console I have never owned. Heard great things about it. I once considered purchasing it, but due to lack of spare spending cash and time, it would awfully hard to justify owning a 360 to sit alongside my PS3. I am man enough to admit I am on my second PS3. The first one crapped out on me. The blu-ray drive stopped working. I even had it replaced and that one eventually died on me too. However, I have never had an internal software problem. The system itself has never just died. Not so much luck for this guy and his Xbox 360. According to this video he is on his fifth Xbox 360, and he is none to happy about getting another Red Ring of Death! Some people simply throw their console away....this guy handles it in a much better way!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Play: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One!
As a huge fan of the Ratchet & Clank series, it brings tears to my eyes to see a new installment planned for release this Fall! Check out the trailer!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Watch: The Greatest Movie ever Sold!
Will this be another Morgan Spurlock success? The trailer looks pretty interesting.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Check out this Gus Johnson soundboard. For all my sports-minded friends, you will appreciate it!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Watch: Doctor Kong trailer
Recently, a New York plastic surgeon beat the world record in Donkey Kong. Here is the trailer for his documentary!
Doctor Kong (trailer) from alexisneophytides@gmail.com on Vimeo.
Not sure if it can match King of Kong, but it still looks interesting.
Doctor Kong (trailer) from alexisneophytides@gmail.com on Vimeo.
Not sure if it can match King of Kong, but it still looks interesting.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Read: Slowly, but surely....
My website for Evil Episodes Podcast is slowly but surely being built. I think I chose wisely in giving myself about a 2+month buffer between having the website ready and when I actually launch the podcast. Gives me a lot of time to gather materials and equipment and learn how to use them effectively.
Check out what I have so far!
Evil Episodes Podcast!
Check out what I have so far!
Evil Episodes Podcast!
Read: Puppetmaster 2 review is up!
Ahh, yes. A sequel to a mediocre flick. Usually it means we are in for an even worse film. Is that the case this time? Find out HERE!
Check out the trailer first!
Check out the trailer first!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Read: Samsung unveils translucent TV screen....
Technology gets more amazing every day, eh? Check this out!
They also have a transparent laptop they are working on.
From the article linked at the bottom:
They also have a transparent laptop they are working on.
From the article linked at the bottom:
Samsung just unveiled an amazing new solar-powered LCD television that can operate completely free from the power grid! The 46″ prototype TV, shown at CeBit in Germany, includes solar panels that produce energy from the ambient light in a room – because it was engineered to use very little energy, no additional power sources are needed. Another major breakthrough behind the concept is that the thin screen can display images and information while allowing objects behind it to be visible – this means that it has applications ranging from car windshield HUDs to storefront displays and digital window blinds.http://inhabitat.com/samsung-unveils-solar-powered-zero-energy-transparent-tv/
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Listen: Prototype Banner for a new podcast idea I have
While I enjoy every minute of co-hosting RetroFlickFillet, however everyone knows my real "passion" is covering the horror genre. There are already tons of horror podcasts out there so I tried to think of a somewhat unique take on the horror genre for a new podcast. That is when I cam up with this:
As the banner above says, it will be covering all TV-based horror. From, tv shows, to mini-series, series, specials, made-for-tv-movies and more! I haven't seen many horror podcasts out there that are dedicated mainly to the genre of tv-based horror. I will still of course keep a littl e room available to discuss theatrically released movies as well as current/news and headlines, and feedback/mail (if I ever get any, lol)!
Also, check out that NEAT-O production company name, eh?
My goal is to have it up and running (with a website) by this Summer. *Wish me luck*
So what do you all think?
As the banner above says, it will be covering all TV-based horror. From, tv shows, to mini-series, series, specials, made-for-tv-movies and more! I haven't seen many horror podcasts out there that are dedicated mainly to the genre of tv-based horror. I will still of course keep a littl e room available to discuss theatrically released movies as well as current/news and headlines, and feedback/mail (if I ever get any, lol)!
Also, check out that NEAT-O production company name, eh?
My goal is to have it up and running (with a website) by this Summer. *Wish me luck*
So what do you all think?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Watch: Uncharted 3 - New Footage of a key new character
As you already know I am ALL ABOUT the Uncharted games for PS3 (exclusive, btw). Here is some new footage of the third installment "Drake's Deception" Looks awesome, as expected!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Look & Laugh: Hello?
Apologies if this picture is old and I am the last one on the interwebz to have seen it, but I did just happen to see it today, and I almost spit my drink out. Such simple things can make me laugh uncontrollably!
Read: Puppetmaster review
Hey everyone. My review of "Puppetmaster" is up. Part 1 one of my "Six Puppetmaster films in six weeks" review series. I am also doing a two minute audio review for each entry.
Two minute audio reviews are a new feature of the website at www.alteredrealitiesradio.com and I may start doing them for every review I write.
So go check out my review of Puppetmaster! HERE!
Two minute audio reviews are a new feature of the website at www.alteredrealitiesradio.com and I may start doing them for every review I write.
So go check out my review of Puppetmaster! HERE!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Watch: Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
Based on the popular comic series. A horror-comedy. Aaaand? PG-13 :(
Check it out!
What do you guys think? I usually say if a Horror is going to be a Comedy as well, it at least needs to be rated R.....
Check it out!
What do you guys think? I usually say if a Horror is going to be a Comedy as well, it at least needs to be rated R.....
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Watch: Resistance 3 Multiplayer preview!
Still awhile before the game comes out, but I must say I am pretty blown away at this preview. Looks incredible. And the review of the preview is giving it a huge thumbs up! A preview of this is why I haven't pulled the trigger on Killzone 3, and might just stick with Black Ops, until September, when this game is released!
Watch: Conan The Barbarian (reboot) movie motion poster!
Regardless of whether I decide to see this or not, there is no way you can say this movie poster in motion is not pretty fucking killer! Check this out, and be in awe!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Watch: Mini-Star Wars parody
Watch/Laugh: Robocop has a message for Detroit!
I know I am pretty much a day late with this one. It is already on just about every blog. Oh well, it is funny and I want to share it, with whoever happens to come across this blog too! If you weren't already aware, what started as a semi-joke to get a robocop statue built in Detroit, kind of turned into a geek-cause to try and see if they could actually make it happen. At first the city rejected it soundly, then some people thought there was hope. Not sure where it stands now, but I doubt it happens. Well, citizens of Detroit. Robocop himself, Mr. Peter Weller has a message for you!
(Since I am off by a day, it might mean I will do another entry later today(or not). Even though this will look like a Wednesday update because it was done after midnight, I will still call it a late-night Tuesday entry......SO THERE!)
Enjoy this!
(Since I am off by a day, it might mean I will do another entry later today(or not). Even though this will look like a Wednesday update because it was done after midnight, I will still call it a late-night Tuesday entry......SO THERE!)
Enjoy this!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Watch: Rango; to see or not to see?
Let me start off bluntly, I am not an animated film guy. I am not saying they are bad films. Just that I am not personally into them. I haven't seen Shrek, Finding Nemo, Cars, or many of the other modern classics people seem to swoon over. A lot of my problems stem from the fact that the lead celebrities that are lending their voices often distract from the movie. For example with Shrek. I watched about five minutes, and all it felt like to me was a bunch of actors doing schtick behind some cartoon characters, and the schtick itself was not even new material. In many cases in these pixar movies at least 50% of the script feels lifted from either other cinema or from sketch comedy shows like SNL. Now, I understand children won't know this, and I really have no objection to kids going to see these movies, but I would much prefer it to be a "Mother/Daughter date" type of afternoon, one in which I will be left at home to either watch some sports, video games, or navigate netflix instant for a movie. Just to add some perspective, some of the animated movies I did end up enjoying were Monster House & Coraline.
With all that said, I must say I kind of enjoyed the trailer for Rango Yes I know, it is being voiced by Johnny Depp, which is probably going to end up distracting me a bit from the movie itself, as I am sure the "schtick" will be on overdrive, but call me a hypocrite if you want, I just happened to find the trailer kind of funny. I spoke to soon about a month or so ago when I told my wife, "wow that actually looks funny, I'll go with you if you want to go" of course, that quote was locked away into the Vault of "will never be forgotten" and since I have slowly tried to backtrack on the statement, at least until I see how the movie is being reviewed from some places. Right now it sits at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes,(keep in mind due to the accumulative score system they use, that number could very well be different by the time you read this blog entry) albeit only about 13 reviews are in so far. BadAss Digest didn't seem to think it had much to go for it besides being one of the absolute most gorgeous animation jobs they have seen on film. So I will say reviews are mixed, but definitely trending towards being way more positive overall. Here is the trailer:
So folks, what should I do? Bite the bullet this time, throw caution to the wind, and go see it?
With all that said, I must say I kind of enjoyed the trailer for Rango Yes I know, it is being voiced by Johnny Depp, which is probably going to end up distracting me a bit from the movie itself, as I am sure the "schtick" will be on overdrive, but call me a hypocrite if you want, I just happened to find the trailer kind of funny. I spoke to soon about a month or so ago when I told my wife, "wow that actually looks funny, I'll go with you if you want to go" of course, that quote was locked away into the Vault of "will never be forgotten" and since I have slowly tried to backtrack on the statement, at least until I see how the movie is being reviewed from some places. Right now it sits at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes,(keep in mind due to the accumulative score system they use, that number could very well be different by the time you read this blog entry) albeit only about 13 reviews are in so far. BadAss Digest didn't seem to think it had much to go for it besides being one of the absolute most gorgeous animation jobs they have seen on film. So I will say reviews are mixed, but definitely trending towards being way more positive overall. Here is the trailer:
So folks, what should I do? Bite the bullet this time, throw caution to the wind, and go see it?
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Blog Archive
- PLAY: I haven't bought an MLB game in years...buu...
- Watch: Bone-crunching action...Seagal style...
- Watch: Captain America trailer.....
- Watch: One way to handle the RROD!
- Play: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One!
- Watch: The Greatest Movie ever Sold!
- Watch: Doctor Kong trailer
- Watch: Super 8 - Full Trailer
- Read: Slowly, but surely....
- Read: Puppetmaster 2 review is up!
- Read: Samsung unveils translucent TV screen....
- Listen: Prototype Banner for a new podcast idea I ...
- Watch: Uncharted 3 - New Footage of a key new char...
- Look & Laugh: Hello?
- Read: Puppetmaster review
- Watch: Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
- Watch: Resistance 3 Multiplayer preview!
- Watch: Conan The Barbarian (reboot) movie motion p...
- Watch: Mini-Star Wars parody
- Watch/Laugh: Robocop has a message for Detroit!
- Watch: Rango; to see or not to see?
Stuff I geek out about!

- Mike
- Sacramento, California, United States
- If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!