Friday, January 21, 2011

Listen: Retro Flick Fillet #7 recording Saturday Jan 21st 2011!!! SPECIAL GUEST!

Very excited to announce that Brenden Creecy aka Brendoman of Bagged & Boarded podcast, Popsickles podcast and will be a very special guest on tomorrow's RetroFlickFillet!  It is our "Out of Body Experience" episode, which is going to be the movies, Trading Places, Vice Versa, and Like Father Like Son.  Should be a fun episode!

Episode will record tomorrow, and should drop sometime Monday.  As always, you can find the feed to the podcast on the right of this blog, or you can go to and snatch it directly from the website, in addition I always post a link to it here as a blog entry once it has been posted.

Finally, as always, you can send any and all comments/feedback on the show, whether it is on the show itself or movies we have reviewed, or suggestions, general comments, anything to our show's email which is


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Stuff I geek out about!

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Sacramento, California, United States
If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!