Monday, February 28, 2011

Watch: AMC's The Walking Dead - Marathon begins this Friday.

Not sure how many actual people are out there that wanted to see it, but didn't. (Maybe you missed some of it?) Hell, maybe those of us who already watched it, but wonder how it holds up to a second viewing are going to give it another go.

During the marathon there will be interviews with Frank Darabot (director/producer) & Robert Kirkman( the original comic creator) AMC will also offer a first look at a new crime drama called The Killing, which begins on April 3rd.

So check it out starting this Friday.  The blu ray/DVD set of the first season comes out next Tuesday as well!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Watch: Hail Hail Rock n Roll......!

Hello, I'm here with a rare weekend post.  I could be cheap and use this for Monday's update, but I would never do such a thing, right? Hah.

Check out this short video of what looks to either be a middle-school or possibly high-school band rocking the Rage Against The Machine mini-medley.....looks like the maestro is having as much as the kids in this one :)

Head-Banging School Band Plays Rage Against The Machine - Watch more Funny Videos

Friday, February 25, 2011

Read & Watch: Videodrome & Explanation of Videodrome!

I've always been a fan of David Cronenberg's Videodrome from 1983. With that said, there have always been aspects of it beneath the surface that went over my head.  I'd be lying if I said I understood clearly, every minute of it.  Until now that is.  I came across an essay on it, and it makes everything clear.  Makes my appreciation for the movie that much more, and it definitely makes it feel ahead of it's time and totally relevent to today's era of technology and "reality" based entertainment culture.

Here is an excerpt from the essay:
Videodrome certainly sheds light on the nature of post-modern man's existence in the world of the hyperreal, but the bleak assessment of our culture that it offers is, by no stretch of the imagination, easy to accept without many sleepless nights. When a director like Cronenberg makes a film that tells us that the world we have created has made reality obsolete, the most disillusioned of us recoils in shock at this blatant display of cynicism. However, with the aid of an open mind and a strong stomach, it becomes aundantly clear that what has just been witnessed in Videodrome is a prophecy, and hardly one that we have to wait to examine the truth of. After all, Max Renn's inability to differentiate between what he sees on the show "Videodrome" and physical reality of acting out of the psychopathology he subjects himself to, is a metaphor for the era of The Terminator (1984), not that of Dante. One does not have to undergo Renn's ordeal of having a videotape-eating orifice open in one's abdomen in order to see that the simulation of real experience has outrun the reality of it in every way, shape and form -- not only for the characters of Videodrome, but every last one of us. For example, watching a sitcom is muchmore entertaining than the banalities of real family life, which would involve working a twelve-hour day with a whiny child's complaining as reward, as opposed to vicariously living through a show one can turn off.   (Written by, Jean, Baudrillard)
The rest of this brilliant essay can be found HERE!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Read: The Loved Ones *review*

As promised earlier, my review for 2009's Australian horror movie "The Loved Ones"

Check out the review: HERE!

As always, read, enjoy....and leave comments!

Watch: The Loved Ones

This week's horror movie review is the Aussie horror flick from 2009, "The Loved Ones"

The review should be up later this evening.

Check out the trailer(below)!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Watch: Not sure if I will ever go under a bridge again....

Check out the trailer for the Norwegian film "The Troll Hunter

Looks pretty awesome for the budget and/or lack of budget it has.  Kind of reminds me of the effects in District 9 whereas being able to get the most out of the money you do have!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watch: Pumpkin Morgue Paranormal Investigators

Check out this promo for the new mini-episodes!   I first heard about them when they were interviewed by the Ladies of, the website in which I write horror reviews for.  My interested was peaked and I dug up some more info including tracking down their youtube channel!

Check out the trailer for their new episodes coming March 9th!

For more info, check out their website

Monday, February 21, 2011

Watch: I Saw the Devil trailer (red band)

I Saw the Devil has been getting a lot of buzz lately.  It is a movie about revenge, cold, hard....twisted as fuck, revenge.  Unfortunately unless if you live in one of the few select cities, you probably won't be seeing this film for a little while, unless your temptation proves to much and you seek it out via "other avenues" *wink*  I really want to see it, I didn't see my city listed for a screening yet but I am holding out hope....

Trailer is not for the squeamish!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Read: Horror movie review of the week - Psycho (1960)

Here is my horror review for the week, which as always can be seen at

1960's Psycho!

Click HERE for the review!
Thanks! And as always check all my other reviews as well as everyone elses! We have a great cast of characters over there, support us all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Watch: Dead Island video game trailer....

Wow.  I know the zombie film genre has probably peaked at the moment, but with the great outlet known as video games, it opens an entire new world of possibilities to bend, stretch, and turn on it's head the zombie genre.  Will Dead Island do this? I'm not sure, but I dig the hell out of the game's trailer. it is!

I want. I want!

Watch: Austra - Beat & Pulse

Not sure what to make of this video.  It gives me the uneasy feeling, but keeps me watching.  I guess it is what art is supposed to do in a way.  Watching something like this which seems pretty simple on the surface, makes me laugh at someone like Lady Gaga who feels the need to put on theatrics in order to get noticed and cover for the fact that 90% of her act is recycled.

Check it out!

Austra - Beat & Pulse

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Read: New Logo for podcast

So I scribbled out a new logo for the podcast while I wait on a more "professional" definitive logo to come my way, (all fan art is encouraged and appreciated).  Here is what I came up with:

Not awesome or anything, but also not completely awful either, yeah?  If you are interested in making a logo for the podcast, you are a fantastic person! All submissions will be welcomed at

Listen: RetroFlickFillet episode 8 - Michael Douglas vs. Women!

Here it is folks!  Special guest co-hosts Robin & Julie joined us! You may notice Shawn is missing, don't worry it's just for this episode, he will be back in March!  I will attempt to embed in this post, if it doesn't work, just click the direct link in the RetroFlickFillet feed to the right of this blog!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Watch: Dead Hooker in a Trunk

A week from Sunday, Movies On a Big Screen in sacramento will be screening Dead Hooker in a Trunk a film written, directed, and starring twin sisters Jen & Sylvia Soska.  It is brought to us via Twisted Twins productions. I personally can't wait.  Only $5 for admission as well.  Everyone in the area should come out to the Guild Theater in downtown.

Here is the trailer for the movie!

They are also working on a brand new feature length film called "American Mary" among a handful of other projects you can all view HERE!

This is the kind of talent the American horror genre needs.  Keep an eye on these ladies!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Read: House of the Devil review

My latest review for is up!

House of the Devil from 2009!

What did I think?  You will have to go read the review and find out!

And leave me some comments on that review all my other reviews, and everyone's reviews!

Yes, do it....DO IT NOW!

House of the Devil 2009!

Watch: X-men First Class trailer.....

Sooo...what do you guys think?  I think it looks interesting, but after the debacle that was X-Men 3, I think I am definitely going to wait until a consensus comes out on the movie.  It might be different if the trailer had "blown me away" but it is just kind of "meh"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Watch: Palin Media addict - From

Found this pretty hilarious.  Never a bad reason to see what Gina Gershon is up to, right?

Watch: More youtube movie fun!

Night of the Demons (1988) is uploaded on youtube, in it's entirety.  If you are a fan of cheesy 80's goofball, but gory horror flicks, this is a movie for you.  I think the remake, which was ok, is on youtube as well.  I will embed the first part here, the rest should be easy to find!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Watch: House of the Devil

House of the Devil is a movie I watched a few months ago. Really enjoyed it.  Just realized it is on netflix instant now, which is giving me the opportunity to rewatch it and review it officially for this week!  I will let everyone know once the review is up. In the mean time go check out House of the Devil for yourself!

Watch: Skins (UK)

With all the hype and "shocked" reaction to MTV's skins, it sort of peaked my interest to get a hold of the original series from the UK.  I am just wrapping up season one, which is available on netflix instant.  I think it is pretty decent, which also means I have little to know use for an MTV version of the show.  My advice would be to check out the original material first. From what I have heard each cast of the show gets two series, and then it changes casts.  I am not sure if I am into the show enough to care to keep watching past the conclusion of the current characters, but I will definitely be interested in series two in order to see the conclusions to these character's story arcs.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Read: "From Beyond" lastest horror review is up

Check out my latest horror review for the flick from 1986 "From Beyond"


It was Stuart Gordon's follow-up to Re-Animator, and some of the cast is back as well, including Ken Foree!

Anyways, yeah go check out the review, and help support my other endeavors!

Or else he is coming to get you! Who.....? (see below)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Watch: COD parody.....

Wasting away my days trolling in the chat room, I often come across some funny stuff. This little piece was brought to my attention by chat room regular tuxbiker all credit goes to him on finding this gem!

Too funny!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Play: EA Sports Active 2 update....

So a few weeks back I mentioned that we bought EA Sports active 2 in an effort into get into better shape.

Well I am now 12 workouts(plus the additional workouts I added in)into the 9 week program, which means this Thursday I will be entering Phase 2 of the program. From looking at the workouts, it looks like they increase a little bit in length and toughness. I hope I can still hack it, haha. This game is really no joke and is probably really not even so much a "game" as it is a workout simulator. Like I said in the initial blog, you get whatever you want to get out of it, and so far it is paying off for me. I can already feel myself being able to do the routines better and when I am out doing other activities such as disc golf, I have a lot more stamina. So this has been a good thing for me!

I will probably give another update at the end of Phase 2!

Stuff I geek out about!

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Sacramento, California, United States
If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!