Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Are you ready for some foooooooooootball?

I am.....

So this Sunday kicks off another preseason with my Skins taking on the Colts. More importantly Two of my favorite all-time Skins (Art Monk & Darrell Green) are being inducted into the football hall of fame. Anyways, I kind of just made posted this blog as an excuse to post a picture of my without further delay.....

Just a quick blurb....

So today at work I was attempting to post a blog from my phone just to see if it would work. Weeeellllll......I got all the way to the page right before the page that allows you to actually type in the post itself when I got the dreaded "insufficient memory" message from my phone......So no, there will be no posting blogs from my phone now or ever.....(or at least until I get a phone that is better equipped for the web, but hey I like my phone dammit, it is a very good phone for people who talk & text and don't do much else on their phone, not to mention it has a powerful speaker phone feature that comes in handy when you don't feel like spending almost $100 for a decent blue tooth piece that works "sometimes")

That's all.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I might start dieting again...

So, I haven't been dieting in a few months, instead I have been going to the gym. I haven't gained any weight back but I am not losing it as fast/as much as I was when I was dieting & going to the gym. The only trade-off would be to go the gym more frequently and/or step up the difficulty of my workout and really I am not trying to go more then 3-4 times a week which I currently do.

Low Carb dieting(which I was doing) wasn't really hard perse, but one thing it did that I did not appreciate was take away the spontanuity of eating. If you know me, you know I like food. I enjoy constantly trying different things at the drop of a hat. If I get home from work or the gym and I feel like sushi, chinese, thai, indian, mexican, vietnanmese, italian etc etc etc....then I want to be able to go get some of that and enjoy what I am eating without having to worry about every drop I am eating. This doesn't mean I need to GORGE myself with whatever food I am eating, but nonetheless I want to eat what I want to eat when I want to eat. This also doesn't mean I am not going to have common sense enough to try and cut out junk-ier type stuff like chips & most snack food.

I think I am just going to try something new starting monday, which is to basically eat fruit for breakfast and lunch and then just eat whatever the hell I want for dinner, but a reasonable portion. I won't go back for seconds and thirds or do the whole "well shit, it's just sitting there....I better eat it before it gets tossed" routine that I always talk myself into, lol.

Hopefully this, coupled with the gym will help get my weight-loss results back to speed to where they were when I was low carb dieting + going to the gym. Oh and yeah the low carb diet did work and all, but I just don't like the idea of having to convince myself that I am never going to eat certain types of foods for the rest of my life in order to stay fit....I just can't do something like that forever. If need be, I can always go back to low carb for a limited time though, that is plan b.

Happy hunting!!! (For your next meal that is)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The weather...and other tidbits...

It's only mid-way through Summer, but damn the weather has taken a turn for the O-K, lately. It is cool in the morning, hot during the day and then nice and breezy/cool again at night. This probably isn't going to last long as I heard the weatherman mention three digit temps on their way back....(I got off the treadmill before the actual weather report though). I was talking to Deanna today at work and she mentioned how great it is, that feeling of a nice cold bedroom that makes you want to get in the covers. I totally agree. My Wife will be under three blankets if the room is as cold as I want it to be. One thing I loathe is a hot bedroom....well.....I guess a "hot" bedroom is not always a bad thing, but after THAT particular activity is done, the fans are coming on and the window is sliding open.......

  • I saw "Dark Knight" it lived up to the hype. Fucking Awesome.
  • Joe scored some free passes to "Step Brothers" it looks hella funny. Seeing it Thursday.
  • Next UFC party is August 9th, can't wait to see and drink with all of you crazy-asses again
  • Bullet points in a blog....!?!

...till next time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

If you like Pina Coladas.....and other complete randomness

So first off, my birthday party went well. Nice, drama free party. Lots to eat, lots to drink and a bunch of friends & family over to chill and have a good time. Couldn't have asked for anything more. Thanks everyone for making it a chill time.

Strangely, until last night I had let my favorite cocktail...the Pina Colada, elude me the entire summer thus far. Well after making a couple homemade blender-fuls last night I am surely not making that mistake again. This saturday I am going to be drinking these fruity concoction well into the night....mmmmm.

I have free passes to The Rocker tomorrow night. It looks decent, but not sure it is a flick I would see if not for having free passes for. The Big One....The Dark Knight releases this week and hell yeah I am going to see it Friday....I would consider going to the midnight show but it is probably already sold out :(

I just found out Sacramento has a Brazllian steakhouse similar to Espestus which I mentioned in an earlier blog. Scroll down and read about it if you wanna know more. With my 1 year wedding anniversary as well as my wife's b-day coming up, I can think of two great reasons to go there......

A lot going on this saturday. Disc Golf, a birthday for a friend of a friend....and two seperate MMA shows going down.....that is a lot to fit in one day.....I'm gonna try....wish me luck..!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

.....Empty Ice Trays....grrrr...

.....So this one is going to be short & sweet because I am just waiting for a system update to download for the PS3.....( I ran into a former co-worker while on jury duty and we are gonna play some Madden online...)

I like ice in my drinks....if you know ME, you probably already know that. The only way for me to have ice is for there to be water in the ice water, no ice, no "ice cold" drinks. I don't care if it is the hottest day of summer, or the coldest day of winter, I want motherfucking ice in my motherfucking beverages. I don't care who else uses the ice, because I am sure plenty of other people enjoy ice as much as I do....but for the love of all that is decent, refill the goddamn ice trays if you use the ice in them.....
Got it......!?!
Plz See Below....!!!

Ok then....Thanks.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So it's 5AM on July 1st and I am awake posting a new blog entry.......I woke up a couple of hours ago and really haven't attempted to go back to sleep. I have weird sleeping patterns. I sleep like a rock, but once I wake up I am UP. This isn't always a good thing as I do work a job day-shift and I often to go work half-asleep and don't really feel awake until just before lunch break which puts me right back to the state of insomnia due to the down time.........Speaking of Insomnia/Insomniac Which reminds me, does anyone remember this show.... I wish I had THAT job. I really miss that show.....

I think I am going to stop this blog entry and attempt to go catch a couple hours of sleep before my alarm rudely wakes me up for a job I truly can't wait to NOT have to wake up for any longer.......So here's to all you other insomniacs out there.....


P.S. I lost my goddamn Guiness black hat. I am sure it is around here somewhere, but knowing me it is somewhere I will never check and will be lost for a few years before it randomly is found for no good reason at all. On one hand it is a good excuse to buy a new black hat, on the other hand, hats are way fucking expensive these days.....overpriced for sure, and my Guiness hat was a good hat. I liked it, and it was still in very good shape. I think I am going to buy another black hat tomorrow night.....I dread going to "Lids" or somewhere else where I am sure to overpay by about $15, but hell where else can I find something halfway decent? I know...the internet....but me wants a hat now........*ugh*


Stuff I geek out about!

My photo
Sacramento, California, United States
If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!