Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So it's 5AM on July 1st and I am awake posting a new blog entry.......I woke up a couple of hours ago and really haven't attempted to go back to sleep. I have weird sleeping patterns. I sleep like a rock, but once I wake up I am UP. This isn't always a good thing as I do work a job day-shift and I often to go work half-asleep and don't really feel awake until just before lunch break which puts me right back to the state of insomnia due to the down time.........Speaking of Insomnia/Insomniac Which reminds me, does anyone remember this show.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insomniac_with_Dave_Attell? I wish I had THAT job. I really miss that show.....

I think I am going to stop this blog entry and attempt to go catch a couple hours of sleep before my alarm rudely wakes me up for a job I truly can't wait to NOT have to wake up for any longer.......So here's to all you other insomniacs out there.....


P.S. I lost my goddamn Guiness black hat. I am sure it is around here somewhere, but knowing me it is somewhere I will never check and will be lost for a few years before it randomly is found for no good reason at all. On one hand it is a good excuse to buy a new black hat, on the other hand, hats are way fucking expensive these days.....overpriced for sure, and my Guiness hat was a good hat. I liked it, and it was still in very good shape. I think I am going to buy another black hat tomorrow night.....I dread going to "Lids" or somewhere else where I am sure to overpay by about $15, but hell where else can I find something halfway decent? I know...the internet....but me wants a hat now........*ugh*


1 comment:

Deanna said...

ur blog is mildly entertaining...nothing like mine though ;)

Stuff I geek out about!

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Sacramento, California, United States
If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!