Thursday, December 4, 2008


So since getting decent enough at my job to where I am not asking questions and/or for help every five mintues, the days have started to slow down a bit. I am not into listening to the radio for very long because the same songs tend to repeat ad naseum regardless of what station i flip to, and most of the AM radio programs I used to listen to back in the day either end before I start work, or are now longer aired in the Sacramento market. :(

The solution: PODCASTS!!!!

Pretty much any genre or discussion theme you are looking for is out there. Some are better then others, but if you get a hold of a good one, it makes the day fly extremely fast.

Right now I am listenting to some SHOOT interviews by various wrestlers. If you are one of my "wrestling-geek" friends, you know what I am talking about, if yer not, then explaining it will be a waste of time. I just downloaded Raven's Secrerts of the Ring part 1. Since I am leeching, I can download a limited amount per 24 cycle, so I will just get 1 part a day until I have all four parts. I also downloaded his 2000 WOL appearance.

Since I am also into film/movies like crazy, I downloaded a show from, it was hilarious and had me literally LOL'ing at my desk. I think I am going to suscribe even though they don't put out new content very often. is a huge database that will surely have what anyone interested is looking for.

Here's to another day of work flying by(FRIDAY Whoo Hoo), and another weekend on the horizon!!!

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Stuff I geek out about!

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Sacramento, California, United States
If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!