Sunday, January 23, 2011

Read: Altered Realities Radio aka my other big news

I was ready to announce this the other day, but I wanted to wait until I actually had some content up to show everyone. This past week I have officially started writing horror movie reviews for the website   It is going to be a weekly gig.  Pretty hyped, since as you know, the horror genre is my favorite and what I continue to watch whether it be a masterpiece or something I have to force myself to get through!

My first review has been posted, I reviewed 2010's Altitude...check it out!

This shouldn't effect this blog too much.  It might make me post slightly less than daily as I usually am now, but there should be that much of a dropoff.

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Stuff I geek out about!

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Sacramento, California, United States
If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!