Thursday, January 6, 2011

Watch: The Square

What happens when a seemingly small decision, leads to consequences, which leads to more consequences, and continues to build until you are too far over your head to simply walk away from the situation? We've seen this formula before, plenty. Tonight we have another go-at-it with 2008's:

The Square
David Roberts plays Raymond Yale who is having an affair with Carla Smith played by Claire Van der boom. As you could probably guess, Carla wants to run away with Raymond who initially has his hesitations but eventually gives in. Part of the reason he gives in is because Carla finds a big bag of money stashed in her attic. The money is not hers of course, and the source of it is a mystery as well. All we do know is that it probably is shady money and not safe for anyone to possess. great equalizer, right?

As Raymond & Carla start to finalize their plans, little things start to come up and get in the way. A small problem turns into a big problem, which turns into a bigger problem etc etc...By the time the movie reaches the final act we are not really sure how it is going to end, but it's not looking good for Raymond, that's for sure. The conclusion of the film is a showstopper if you ask me. While some may argue the film has a slow pace and a less than steady build, I think the conclusion makes up for any reservations.

I also like the fact that no character in the movie is too over the top. Raymond isn't involved with the mob, the money isn't stolen from Columbia drug lords or anything of that sort. It is moreso a case of bad decisions being made that lead to consequences and more bad I said, not a new formula but all the same, an effective one. This was not as good as a film such as say, A Simple Plan,(which happens to be an all-time favorite of mine) but I still enjoyed it and thought it got the job done as entertaining cinema.

This film is officially endorsed and recommended by this blog!

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Sacramento, California, United States
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