Thursday, September 30, 2010

Checking in with my netflix que pt. 1

From time to time I will update everyone(no one)on my netflix viewings. I will include instant que as well as discs I get in the mail.

Right now the two discs I have out are:

Peacock "John Skillpa, a quiet bank clerk living in tiny Peacock, Nebraska, prefers to live an invisible life. This might have to do with John's secret: he has another personality no one knows about, a woman who each morning does his chores and cooks him breakfast before he starts his day. Then, in a moment, everything changes.." (

Babysitter Wanted "In a small college town, a young girl working on a babysitting job in a rural farm is terrorized throughout the night. " (

I have way too much in my instant que. Most of it are movies I have no immediately need to watch, stuff like Muppet Movies, Beetlejuice, some documentaries and other random films. A couple I do plan on getting to, are Survival of the Dead, and The Thin Red Line. Luckily both are available to stream in HD!

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Sacramento, California, United States
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