Thursday, September 30, 2010


So yesterday the story broke that Republican candidate for CA Governor Meg Whitman had employed an illegal alien as a housekeeper for a number of years and she swears she fired her as soon as she found out she was illegal....mmhmm...riiiiight. She is also accused of treating her housekeeper unfairly and exploiting her, whatever that means. Funny how a lot of the wealthy elite, who are such proponents of "Get rid of the illegals" rhetoric are the first to be caught employing them and having them work in crap conditions.

I don't for a second believe using Gloria Allred is the best route to be going with this "lawsuit" It is probably going to backfire and more people will be discussing Gloria Allred and her own past of sensationalism, rather than the actual merit of this ladies's claims(or lack of merit).

One thing for sure is, this one single story will get way too much attention, either ruin someone politically or vault them to a new position, while the bigger issue of immigration reform will be tossed aside once again for another round of rhetoric and demagoguery.

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