Tuesday, November 16, 2010

To Vlog or not to Vlog?

Well, considering it took me long enough to get into the world of consistently blogging, I have mixed feelings about stepping it up a notch by starting to vlog.

If I start it, I don't want to half-ass it. That doesn't mean I want daily content going up all the time, however if I vlog, I want it to be significant. Not "important" perse, but I don't to get into a habit of throwing up videos of me saying "hello" and making goofy faces for five minutes and calling it a night. Haha.

I know regardless of what I post, most people who see it will think of it as pointless and dumb, which I am fine with, I just want whatever I create to be significant to me.

With that said, if time and cooperation with technology permits, I think I will create and attempt to post(immediately following) my first vlog this Saturday right before we record out 5th episode of the podcast. We are recording this episode over here, so I will probably put Doug in the vlog as well, I am sure he won't mind. Eventually once Shawn gets out here, he can be a vlog too.

So, look forward to some meaningful content on a weekend for once....!

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Sacramento, California, United States
If I enjoy something, it could end up being talked about in this blog!