Monday, December 27, 2010

Play: COD: Black Ops (still and/or again,..yep)

I know, I know...I've blogged before about this game.  Well, between this & Madden '11....that is pretty much my share of video games for the time being.  I am almost done with Ratchet & Clank, but you already know what's going on with that, and Resident Evil 5 is shelved until my friend gets it so we can play co-op.

I've been playing the zombie mode a ton lately, and my wife and I got my brother in law a blue tooth for Christmas, so now when we play we can communicate, which is really the best way to go for this game mode.

Also, our mutual friend "Big Mike" is pretty damn good at the game.  So far it seems the key is finding the little mystery weapon box and landing a high -powered weapon from it before you draw the teddy bear.  Once you have one of those guns, you can mow down the zombies like crazy, it really changes the dynamic of the game.

I still have yet to really invest time in the other level of the zombie mode, which is the one where you can play as one of four ex presidents.  It reminds of the bank robber clan in Point Break...haha...hell, maybe that is where they got the idea from in the first place.

If you see me online throw me an invite....

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