Thursday, December 30, 2010

Watch: La Horde aka The Horde

It's always nice when a movie you are eagerly anticipating goes from "unknown status" on netflix to being on your coffee table within a few days time.  Such was the case with today's movie:

2009's La Horde aka The Horde

La Horde is a french zombie flick. The basic story is that a group of  thugs killed including two Nigerian guys and some east European guys have killed a cop and are now held up in  a large apartment complex, hiding out.  The cops "family" of partners have devised a plan to go hunt down the gang of thugs and take revenge.  When the cops show up to the complex, things don't go according to plan, a couple of sub-plots change the motivations of certain characters, and oh yeah.....a zombie apocalypse starts up.   As you would guess, the survivors must team up if they think they have any real chance to survive.

This violence in this movie is brutal.  From shotgun blasts to the face, to the sheer amount of bullets some of the characters take, to a face being repeatedly being slammed into a concrete foundation, this movie does not hold back at all when it comes to the kill scenes. Oh did I mention the old man with the military-grade mini gun mowing down zombies trying to make their way to the survivors in a narrow hallway? Yep.

For those wondering about the zombies themselves, I would say they are a cross between 28 Days Later and REC style zombies.  As is the overall movie itself.  It has the claustrophobic feeling of REC, with the fast moving, vicious zombies.  I also appreciate the fact that there is no origin of the zombie plague, it just starts happening, and keeps happening.

Once this movie is more widely seen, I really feel some of the kills and "I'm making a stand" scenes will be looked at as pretty iconic for the genre.

The zombie killing action starts pretty quick and doesn't let up.
I highly recommend this film. Add it to your netflix que right now!

(Jean-Pierre Martins as Ouessem hacking zombies to bits)

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