Netflix Random Viewing #1:
Machine Girl
Tonight I watched Machine Girl on netflix. I had heard about this flick awhile ago. I think it might have been on an edition of Chris Gore's "Asian Underground" segment on Attack of the Show, but I can't be sure, since it has been awhile.
This is a movie that some might qualify as japanese exploitation, or possibly "extreme-cinema" It is one of those movies that is hard to label, but when you press play, within about ten minutes you know what you are in store for. I don't think this is the type of movie you can like either. You are either going to love it, or want to turn it off immediately. It is straight genre-schlock(as I put it to a friend via text last night *wink*) Me personally....I get a kick out of this stuff. You have to know what you are in for with these types of movies and either accept the cheesy, cartoony, over the top nature of them, or just don't bother watching. I am not even sure if these movies are made with all involved playing it straight or not. I am leaning towards no, but it is Japan afterall, maybe they sneaked in a hidden metaphorical meaning in there somewhere that my feeble american mind cannot grasp due to my lust for gore!
To the movie:
The plot as you can expect is pretty paper thin. Afterall you don't come to this flick after reading the description for plot and/or character development. It is your typical, "Yakuza killed so and so, almost killed me, I survived and now I am going to hunt you down" story of revenge! If you really desire a better plot description you can follow the imdb link I posted earlier in this post.
What matters is if the movie delivers on what everyone wants. The answer is a resounding yes. Lots of action, lots of gore and a MACHINE GUN ARM! Did I mention human finger sushi? Yep! That is really all you can want out of a movie like this and you get lots of it.
Glad that my first netflix random viewing was a success! I highly recommend this.
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