Saturday, December 11, 2010

Watch: Another reason you should own a PS3!

The days of the 360 vs. PS3 debate are long over.  I've said my peace on the subject, and honestly in 2010, I think there are valid reasons to own both and it really comes down to which set of exclusive game franchises you prefer.

With that said, each console from time to time will present pretty damn solid arguments as to why you should own their console.  Here is a good one from Sony-PS3:

Ok yeah I know, the teaser doesn't reveal much at all, but after the original Uncharted came onto the scene without much hype at all and took us all by storm, and then the second installment BLEW OUR FRICKIN' MINDS, from here on out until a reason to believe otherwise, all Naughty Dogs studio really has to do is mention they are working on a new title in the series and it will send productivity in the workplace down by at least 20% worldwide.

Can't wait!

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