Monday, October 4, 2010

Sacramento is in need of some variety on AM....

I don't want this to come off as "some liberal guy whining about conservative radio" but for a second, let me do just that......just kidding.

As liberal as I am, I still enjoy talk radio from all ends of the spectrum. I like straight news talk, political talk, sports talk, entertainment, etc etc....

However, Sacramento is really lacking a variety in the political/news category. We have three conservative stations, and when I say conservative, I am talking, "Democrats are the second coming of Satan" Conservative. There is no middle ground on these stations. It is basically the same rhetoric and group-think for 24 hours a day on all three news/political stations.

With that being said, I still find time to pick out the more entertaining hosts of the bunch and usually tune in regardless. I also spend a good chunk of my listening time on sportstalk which can be entertaining, but tragically boring with the wrong host.

A few years ago Sacramento had two progressive stations to counter the three conservative stations, and they seemed to vanish within a few months of each other.(one being sold to a gospel music company...yes, seriously)

I can only imagine what it must be like in smaller towns across the country, who only get one station piped to them 24/7. How it must bend the mind.

Luckily for me, just about any program can be found and streamed on my phone, so a small solution has been found for times when I happen to be working a job where the logistics allow for me to be streaming radio to my headphones!

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